
Ann Nyakundi, CEO

Ann Nyakundi
Chief Executive Officer
United Family Medicine

Updated 05/15/2021:

Per Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) guidelines, we are now able to provide COVID-19 testing and vaccines for anyone requesting testing and vaccinations at our West Seventh Street clinic. Patients who have a relationship with a United Family Medicine provider are also encouraged to come to UFM and get your COVID-19 vaccination. You may also visit the MDH website for vaccine information in your area. To connect with vaccine near you, please visit:  https://mn.gov/covid19/vaccine/connector/

Dear Patients and Community Partners,

Over the past few months, we have administered 9,145 COVID-19 vaccinations to people wanting a vaccination through our clinics located in the West Seventh Street/Fort Road Federation neighborhood, our Sibley clinic, and surrounding areas. In addition, we have conducted ten (10) community clinics with our trusted community partners of churches, community centers, and neighborhood associations.

We will continue to follow the Minnesota Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control’s criteria that govern vaccinating the public, and as we continue to expand our services to the community, we encourage you to call and make an appointment for a total wellness visit.

We believe that everyone who wants to be vaccinated deserves access to this life-saving resource. We will always advocate for the broader community and local neighborhoods that we serve in St. Paul as we continue to provide total health and wellness within our clinic. In the meantime, we are here to serve you. Please contact our clinic at 651-758-9500 to schedule a wellness visit, dental services, and behavior health appointments.

If you have specific concerns about patient care, vaccine testing, or vaccination appointments, please call us at 651-758-9500 or email us at patientrelations@unitedfamilymedicine.org 

About United Family Medicine

United Family Medicine, a federally qualified health center in St. Paul, Minnesota, provides high quality primary care, dental services and behavioral health services to all persons regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. As a community health center, we operate as a patient-focused team to support health and well-being, connecting patients with helpful resources for housing, jobs, transportation and more. Mission statement: Excellence in delivering healthcare for all; training the providers of tomorrow. Vision statement: A healthy, vibrant and thriving community. More information is available at https://unitedfamilymedicine.org/.

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Riverland Community Health