To eat or not to eat? Scarcity and how it affects our health
It is easy in an age of never ending internet access to be completely overwhelmed with news of all the things that are happening. Scary things, interesting things, and unimportant things. Social Media options are so tantalizing! Does it ever feel like you have too many things to think about and not enough time to do so? Do you feel overwhelmed and unable to get it all done? There is something about having too much to think about and limited time and when I don’t have the time to digest the flood of information, I get pretty stressed out. Come to think of it, when I have too many things to do and not enough time to do it, I rush. I don’t plan well. Just thinking about the upcoming holidays, family get-togethers, and chores I need to do around my apartment- I can feel the rising panic. Sure, we could say that I have a lot of time to do this now, if I plan well. Unfortunately, extra time is a tricky thing to find in our schedules. We work, have other obligations, care for family members, and those that use public transportation spend a lot of the extra time getting from place to place. Kids have appointments. Time off is a precious commodity, if there is any left after sick days!