
Residents Share Projects at 2019 Community Forum

Residents Share Projects at 2019 Community Forum

Each year, United Family Medicine (UFM) residents look forward to the opportunity to share their stories and the collective impact of their Community-Oriented Primary Care (COPC) projects with the community. Residents develop a project in the first year of their training that allows them to embrace a specific area of interest, learn about the communities’ health needs and partner with community agencies.

St. Paul clinic’s fight against the opioid menace shows promise

St. Paul clinic’s fight against the opioid menace shows promise

David Moyer does not look like the type of person one first thinks of when one hears the words “opioid addict.”
Sure, the 62-year-old former circuit-board factory worker from St. Paul dabbled with alcohol, pot and other illicit drugs during his rebellious-high-school and then partying-young-adult days until a DWI arrest at age 30 sobered him up.

United Family Medicine

United Family Medicine