by Riley Karbon | Jun 18, 2019
United Family Medicine CEO Melissa Parker joined Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman Betty McCollum (DFL-Minn.) and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan for a round table discussion on healthcare along on May 24 in St. Paul.
by Riley Karbon | Mar 8, 2019
Each year, United Family Medicine (UFM) residents look forward to the opportunity to share their stories and the collective impact of their Community-Oriented Primary Care (COPC) projects with the community. Residents develop a project in the first year of their training that allows them to embrace a specific area of interest, learn about the communities’ health needs and partner with community agencies.
by Riley Karbon | May 7, 2018
David Moyer does not look like the type of person one first thinks of when one hears the words “opioid addict.”
Sure, the 62-year-old former circuit-board factory worker from St. Paul dabbled with alcohol, pot and other illicit drugs during his rebellious-high-school and then partying-young-adult days until a DWI arrest at age 30 sobered him up.