How do you know if you’re getting enough sleep?
Proper sleep is vital to a number of body functions. During sleep, memories are formed and hormones that help repair and regenerate your body are released. Hormones relating to stress and hunger are also regulated by sleep. The amount of sleep a person needs varies, but typically an adult will need around 7-9 hours for ideal daytime functioning and health.
Difficulty sleeping (falling asleep, waking up from sleep, etc.) is a common concern – some surveys have shown that up to 60% of adults report difficulty sleeping a few or more nights per week. The loss of even as little as one hour of sleep has been shown to decrease reaction time, impair concentration, and worsen decision making capabilities. Chronic sleep deprivation has been associated with mood disturbances, depressed immune system function resulting in increased risk of infections, increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, mood disorders, and memory loss.